Major Life Transitions
Like the ebb and flow of the tide, life alternates between periods of stability and change. Having some support can make all the difference when going through life transitions and major adjustments. Our therapists are here to offer a listening ear and an objective point of view. We can help you to build resilience, inner strength and a repertoire of coping skills. The following is a list of common challenging life transitions we can support you through:
Becoming an adult
Moving to a new location
Beginning of a significant relationship
Loss of a significant relationship
Becoming ill, sick or impaired
Family member illness or impairment
Becoming sober
Mid-life crisis / opportunity
The death of one's parents
Starting college
Starting a new career
Marriage or Divorce
The birth of a child
Receiving a troubling diagnosis
Receiving a diagnosis for a child
Losing a job
Children leaving home
Therapy can be a source of stability during times of chaos. Contact us today so we can help you find your place of peace and provide some solid ground beneath your feet, even when your world is changing.